Friday, February 3, 2012

Making your new year's resolutions sustainable | Hands-on Health ...

Jinty practising Ashtanga yoga in the studioIn the positive days after Christmas, everyone resolves to be fitter and healthier. But now, by the beginning of February, things have often gone a bit pear-shaped. Miserable winter days can make it difficult to keep up a fitness routine or healthy eating programme when all you want to do is hibernate.

Even if you started this year in an enthusiastic flurry of activity, you may now be using the resulting aches, pains and injuries as a reason, or excuse, for going back to the sofa.

Here at our eco-friendly clinic , we have a more sustainable approach that could keep you on the right track long after others have fallen by the wayside, and help you to a healthier and happier way of life.

Starting off with acupuncture, chiropractic, nutritional advice and a range of massage therapies, the Hands-on Health team will help you get your body ready for safe and enjoyable exercise before letting you loose on your chosen activity ? which may include yoga, pilates and tai chi classes, or personal training sessions involving the amazingly effective TRX method. They?ll be with you every step of the way!

?Ensuring your joints and muscles are in good condition before starting a new exercise regime can help you avoid injury and boost performance,? says partner Albie McMahon.

The team?s nutritional therapist Lesley Harper adds: ?Small but effective dietary changes can help you feel healthier, more energised, and have more vitality ? all helping to make your exercise practice easier to maintain.?

The last word goes to Phil Yolland of Urban Earth, a regular Hands-on Health client: ?As a landscape gardener, I have to stay injury-free in order to keep working. Massage, reflexology and ashtanga yoga at the clinic have been very good for me, so this spring I?m recommending my staff see the team there too.?


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